Timing Data David Anniwell of Santa Pod Raceway Race Control.
Developed By Richard Bell @ Maple Rock Design & Web Development

Help. Show me your workings!

When the app initially loads it will be showing you all runs from 2023.

Viewing/Downloading your "2023 Bracket Racing Wrapped" graphic.

Using the text box you can search by name or race number. This will then auto suggest via a dropdown. Clicking on a name will show you the summary for that /rider, taking into account the selected filters.

Click "Make & View shareable graphic". Once created and image has loaded, you can long press the image to save/copy (at least on iPhone/iPad).

Note the shareable graphic will always be for all runs for the selected driver/rider for 2023 (ie No filters applied).

Note: Some racers are entered with different/incorrect names with the same race number as I don't know which is correct all are currently available to select until I can figure a nice way to handle .

Searching & Filtering

From all runs you can use the various filters to more specific as to what you want to see (ie. just show me Pro E.T at The Euros).

Positive in regards E.T is a run that is both green on the tree and not a breakout.

When runs are slower than their dial-in by many seconds (or reactions) this throws off the averages. Averages are calculated on the median (middle) value to give a fairer result.

Hit reset at any time to reset all filters and data back to the original state.

Once you have filtered/searched, all runs are listed within the "All Runs" section. All runs are then broken down into a summary within "The Summary" section.

Compare By Racer/Class

Say you want to see who is the best in Super Gas or maybe look at who is the best in a family (search by surname in the name/number field). Once you are displaying the correct runs, click the button to see a summary by either Racer or Class. The table is then sortable (by column headings) so you can decide who is best and by what metric.

The Summary

Broken down into two clear sections; Reaction & E.T. Breakdowns show counts and percentages for Perfect (0.0000 & 0.000), 0.00, 0.0, > 0.0 + red/breakout.

E.T average ignores no recorded finish E.T.

Closest E.T/Best Reaction will always be green/positive. If none is found the closest breakout/red will be used.

Average Green/Red/Breakout/Positive will show N/A if no runs found.

Average difference includes breakouts.

All runs

This is paginated and sortable. Clicking on the icon will bring up the data related to that run so you can see who the race was against.


This web app was massively inspired by Pete Walters' great work with the Super Pro stats and Kirstie Tramm's comment on Facebook of “enough to go through the Sportsman ET data as well”.

Thanks to Eurodragster.com/Derrek Anniwell/Santa Pod for making the Excel spreadsheets available.

Yes... I realise there is a lot of data to take in and although I've tried my best to get everything displaying nicely on mobile, it is a nicer experience on desktop/tablet. However, if you are on mobile, try rotating your screen to landscape. Maybe I'll look at that for 2024... I've already spent far too much time on this and it's hard to know when to stop! Yes I am a geek, a technical 'how I built this' post may follow... 🤓

Any questions/queries let me know. Made with ❤️ for the sport and bracket racing! See you at the track! As with the main Drag Ladders app if you do want to send me a donation for my time, head over to PayPal 🙏